Friday 15 August, 2008

Yoga for the Corporate Sector

Investment in the employees’ health and quality of life together with the objectives of company’s development and growth is essential to get quality in the process of production and execution of services, thus granting clients with products and services with quality.

How to produce more and better, without causing harm to the health of the employees is not a utopia. Butterfly Yogi Programs for Corporates collaborate for that each professional inside the company to be able to analyze and review his way of thinking, acting, organizing his time and space, preventing the great villains which cause harm to the health.

In our last Yoga Program for Corporates, the executives of Huntsman (a global manufacturer and marketer of differentiated chemicals for a variety of global industries) learnt the basics of the Classical Yoga and its techniques (asanas, pranayamas and relaxation) done in a two days workshop at the companies premises in Powai -Mumbai.

Activities of easy assimilation and of short duration include stretchings, asanas (postural training), pranayamas (breathing techniques), relaxation and practices for increasing body awareness. These, after being instructed to the employees, can be done during working hours (in short breaks) and at their own workstations.

For this 2 Days Workshop we have especially designed a course of training, including slide presentation on Yoga Achara (Yoga Lifestyle) and practical session in yoga mats set inside the meeting room. The employees sat cross-legged.

They also did yoga asanas such as Talasana (Palm Tree Pose), Paschimotanasana (Posterior Stretch) and Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) and Pranayamas such as Yogendra Pranayama II (Intercostal Breathing) as you can see in the pictures.

If you want to get a quotation for our Yoga Pragrams for Corporate please fill in our Requirement Form by clicking here.

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